Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Isla Files 1.29

Politics, Isla style. The election for the municipal offices is on Sunday, February 3 and the competitors are in full campaign mode. Because most people on the island neither have a TV or radio or get a newspaper, the conventional style of campaigning (as we know it in the US) doesn’t really work here. What’s a politician to do?
During the weeks leading up to the election the most common approach is to put speakers in a golf cart, taxi, or private car, slather that vehicle with political signs, and drive around the neighborhoods with the sound blaring your political message. The 2 main candidates on the island are Gilberto Avalos and Alicia Ricalde. Their efforts are everywhere. Every sign post, retaining wall, vehicle, and storefront bears witness to the occupants political preference. Forget your measly yard sign or bumper sticker!
Another good approach is to hand out t-shirts and hats. Everyone on the island is wearing a t-shirt with his or her favorite politician’s slogans proudly displayed. On a recent ride into town traffic was at a standstill in front of the Ricalde headquarters, campaigners lined both sides of the highway literally pushing clothing, pamphlets, and pens into the hands of motorists, cyclists, and walkers. Someone gave me a pen attached to a pamphlet and another person tried to give Steve a ball cap. Ever the federal employee, he declined to offer endorsement, you know that old Hatch Act! I kept the pen and gave the pamphlet back.
In the evening a movie of the Ricalde platform is broadcast on the side of her headquarters. It is kind of like a drive-in movie screen. I am not quite sure what separates the 2 candidates. Both of them talk about supporting tourism and working for the people. The only candidate that offers the slogan of “education is the solution” doesn’t appear to have the financial backing to launch a full-scale campaign. Isn’t that always the case? Also, no one seems to have a particularly emphasis on the environment.
I asked Enrique (our dive master last week) what he thought of the whole thing. He said “Everyone knows that candidate X is a liar.” Will that mean that he is not elected? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Jack said...

You two are having 'way too much fun. Ya want to tone it down a little bit so the rest of us here in the real world can cope? Well, those of us in the real world and not retired. (Yeah!)
